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$850,0003 Beds, 2 Baths2,323 sqft lot 23,958 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73351050
3 Beds, 2 Baths1,855 sqft lot 12,197 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73351025
$709,9004 Beds, 3 Baths1,863 sqft lot 1.21 acListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73350843
$749,9002 Beds, 2 Baths1,901 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73350378
2 Beds, 1 Bath650 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73348109
$699,0004 Beds, 3 Baths2,438 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73347508
$1,199,9004 Beds, 2 Baths3,366 sqft lot 29,186 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73347379
$2,6502 Beds, 1 Bath730 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73347170
$719,900Price Drop4 Beds, 3 Baths2,373 sqft lot 1.41 acListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73345168
$494,9003 Beds, 1 Bath1,452 sqft lot 10,019 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73344924
4 Beds, 2 Baths1,400 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73342151
2 Beds, 2 Baths1,020 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73339904
$614,5003 Beds, 2 Baths1,776 sqft lot 15,246 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73337084
1 Bed, 1 Bath759 sqftListed with Realty Executives Boston WestMLS 73335992
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